Just Get Started.

Freelancer Files
2 min readFeb 6, 2023


The world had taken a pause. We were one month into self-isolation (remember that?!), when I was linked into a phone call. It went like this:

Me: Hi, _______. It’s so good to hear from you! How are you?

Him: I’m doing good. I need to make some more money.

Slight pause. I slip into full CEO mode.

Me: Now is a perfect time to create. That book, that podcast, that class you always wanted to teach — now is the time to make it happen because now, more than ever, we all can have a captive audience. People are waiting to hear what you have to say.

Him: (He’s completely taken aback by my enthusiasm). Well….I did always want to write a book…

Me: OK, great! What do you believe that you’re an expert about, RIGHT NOW?

Him: I can write about leadership, parenting and marriage. I even have a few ideas jotted down.

Me: Wonderful! You can email me your ideas and we can talk later on this week.

I haven’t heard from him since.

Truthfully, that’s where I lose a lot of future clients. It’s rarely ever lack of talent. More often than not, it’s in the execution. Moving from the “talking about it” stage to the “being about it” stage is a giant step, and many are unwilling to take it.

Repeat after me: published is better than perfect. We have a tendency to pick our work apart and come up with reasons not to create that thing. Whatever your thing is, know that you have everything you need to get started. If it’s not perfect yet, that’s OK. Trust that you’ll learn and get better. You’ll ask for help if you need it, and you’ll get it. You’ll improve, re-work and sometimes re-do. Just get started.



Freelancer Files

Hello! I'm Alyson, a Nashville-based writer with a passion for business, entrepreneurship, marketing, and virtual assisting.